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Natural Tips So That Eyelashes Grow Longer

- 4:04:00 AM
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No doubt every woman has their own appeal section, including parts of the appeal of a woman is of eyelashes. Lush lashes, long and tapering will be the charm to grace.

On this occasion we will share tips for long eyelashes and tapering naturally, so you do not have to bother anymore to go to the salon and put on false eyelashes. Here are the natural ingredients that you can use to obtain long and tapering eyelashes naturally:

Olive oil

Who does not know with olive oil. We can be sure everyone knows this one's natural oils. Besides very good for skin care, excellent olive oil is believed to maximize the beauty of someone's eye. How to use olive oil to the eyelashes itself is straightforward. Apply olive oil to cleaner eye makeup. If you do this way on a regular basis, your eyelashes will gradually be healthier, longer and more slender.

Green tea

The nutritional content of green tea is believed to maximize the health of female beauty as well. And one of them is as a natural ingredient to lengthen also curl eyelashes. Applying green tea to eyelashes is easy. Take a small amount of green tea, brewed with hot water and wait until warm. Use a washcloth to apply to the eyelashes or eyelash using cotton. Do it regularly every day and get longer eyelashes naturally also tapering.

Lemon skin

In addition to the lemon water is very useful in order to maximize one's beauty, lemon rind also has an important role to maximize one's beauty, especially the beauty of eyelashes. Utilizing the lemon zest to the beauty of eyelashes is easy. Take some lemon peel, soaked in olive oil and castor oil and let stand for about 4 days. If so, use it as a marinade of lemon peel mask on your eyelashes. For maximum results, apply this natural mask on at least two days. In addition to making the lashes become longer and slender, lemon nutrition to the skin will also make lashes stronger and softer.

That tips so long and tapering eyelashes naturally without going to the salon or without having to use false eyelashes. So that the eyelashes grow well, be sure to have a healthy meal, try cleaning the eye makeup before bed and cut the tip of the lashes at least 4 months. Hopefully this information is helpful and you can get beautiful eyelashes that are always healthy.
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