Top 10 most dangerous bridges in the world's - The bridge is used as the interface between the two places. Whether it's a pedestrian or a vehicle, a bridge should be built with attention in terms of security and safety. What would happen if the physical from the bridge to look doubtful alias dangerous? This is the most hideous apparition 10 bridges in the world. Only the brave people are able to pass through.
Carrick-a-rede rope bridge is a 21-meter bridge in the city of Antrim. The bridge was made over a height of 30 meters. Although already made a rope to hold on, the bridge Carrick-a-rede rope bridge still rocked violently. And it is certainly not a pleasant thing.
Monkey bridge can you find in the Mekong River delta. For those of you who have acrophobia, or fear of heights, the bridge is not at all high, but the risk of falling into the river is high. The bridge is only made from 1 piece of a long bamboo rod, coupled with bamboo sticks on it as a handle.
In the city of Torreon, northern Mexico, there is a mine that has long been uninhabited ghost town alias. The mine was named Ojuela. Visited Ojuela not the only test of guts can you do. There is another test the guts to cross a bridge called Puente de Ojuela.
Puente de Ojuela has a length of 317 meters with a width of not reaching one meter. Still less horrible? Puente de Ojuela bridge is built at an altitude of 109 meters above sea level. Puente de Ojuela bridge made of wood and hung using suspension wires with the help of two towers.
Quepos bridge is a bridge between Jaco to Quepos in Central Pacific Coast. If you see at a glance, it seems the bridge is not feasible to pass. Let alone by car, bike also seems very doubtful past. Miraculously, this bridge was still passable by truck.
Kakum National Park itself is never empty of visitors. Canopy bridge is a bridge that quite often traversed by tourists. The 23 meter long bridge supported only by stones in both sides. Wood is used as a bridge also have been damaged due to age.
It is known that the bridge Ghasa is very small and cramped, but the people, animals, even small children can get through the bridge without any fear. Every day, the bridge is always crowded by farmers. The farmers are bringing a number of the harvest to be sold in the market.
Japan is one of the countries in Asia that never run out of visitors. There are many interesting locations and cultures to learn. Well, in Japan, especially in the Valley of the Ivy, there is a bridge that can make anyone shudder to see it. The bridge was named Vine footpaths.
Vine Ivy footpaths berlikasi Valley, just above the Iya River. The underside of the bridge made of wooden planks installed at a distance of about 13 inches. 45-meter high bridge allows people to through the Iya River. After crossing the bridge Vine footpaths, you can get Repovesi Nature Park.
Although dangerous, Trift bridge presents a view that can make you amazed. Trift Bridge is made through a lake called Lake Triftsee. Every year, at this location can be filled with as many as 20,000 visitors. The visitors come to enjoy the view of the glacier Trift.
The bridge is made of grass stretches the length of which reaches 36 meters. Because instead of using solid materials such as iron, this bridge must be renewed every 1 or 2 years. Each repaired, the local residents will hold a celebration to celebrate.
Located in a mountainous area in the north of Pakistan, is a bridge named Hussaini the most dangerous bridge in the world. Hussaini bridge has been instrumental in helping the tourists to cross the lake Borit. The bridge is made with what it is like cables and wooden planks. The wind can directly make the bridge sway.
The distance in each footing on the bridge Hussaini all different. There are close and there is a very long way. Dangerous bridge is really in need of repair because some parts have been damaged. If there is bad weather and the Hunza River overflowed, across the bridge is tantamount to risk his life.
10. Carrick A Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland
If you want to feel how it felt great beating heart, you try to go to the Antrim town located in Northern Ireland. There, you will find a beautiful yet dangerous bridge named Carrick-a-rede rope bridge. If you still can run quietly in the bridge, then you are indeed brave.Carrick-a-rede rope bridge is a 21-meter bridge in the city of Antrim. The bridge was made over a height of 30 meters. Although already made a rope to hold on, the bridge Carrick-a-rede rope bridge still rocked violently. And it is certainly not a pleasant thing.
9. The Monkey Bridge, Vietnam
In Asia, especially in Vietnam, there is a bridge that saw alone can make the legs trembling and sweating. The bridge is named Monkey bridge. The reason why is because the so-called Monkey bridge you had to walk across the bridge like a monkey.Monkey bridge can you find in the Mekong River delta. For those of you who have acrophobia, or fear of heights, the bridge is not at all high, but the risk of falling into the river is high. The bridge is only made from 1 piece of a long bamboo rod, coupled with bamboo sticks on it as a handle.
8. Puente de Ojuela, Mexico
Puente de Ojuela has a length of 317 meters with a width of not reaching one meter. Still less horrible? Puente de Ojuela bridge is built at an altitude of 109 meters above sea level. Puente de Ojuela bridge made of wood and hung using suspension wires with the help of two towers.
7. Bridge Quepos, Kosta Rika
Try your search on Google Quepos bridge and what did you find? The bridge of death, that's the nickname that you anticipate. Quepos bridge or the Bridge of Death is a dangerous bridge in the country Kosta Rika. Even though it looks dangerous, Quepos bridge still in use today.Quepos bridge is a bridge between Jaco to Quepos in Central Pacific Coast. If you see at a glance, it seems the bridge is not feasible to pass. Let alone by car, bike also seems very doubtful past. Miraculously, this bridge was still passable by truck.
6. Canopy Walk, Ghana
One of the most dangerous bridges in the world are in Africa, precisely in the forest Kakum National Park, Ghana. Kakum National Park is a protected rain forest by the city government of Ghana. The forest is home of some of the endangered animals such as elephants, antelopes and monkeys.Kakum National Park itself is never empty of visitors. Canopy bridge is a bridge that quite often traversed by tourists. The 23 meter long bridge supported only by stones in both sides. Wood is used as a bridge also have been damaged due to age.
5. Ghasa, Nepal
The following bridge is really only for those who dare. The bridge is named Ghasa This is a bridge in a village named Gus in Nepal. Ghasa under the bridge, you can see Sungi Valley. Fragile-looking suspension bridge is not only bypassed by humans but also donkeys.It is known that the bridge Ghasa is very small and cramped, but the people, animals, even small children can get through the bridge without any fear. Every day, the bridge is always crowded by farmers. The farmers are bringing a number of the harvest to be sold in the market.
4. Vine footpaths, Japan
Japan is one of the countries in Asia that never run out of visitors. There are many interesting locations and cultures to learn. Well, in Japan, especially in the Valley of the Ivy, there is a bridge that can make anyone shudder to see it. The bridge was named Vine footpaths.
Vine Ivy footpaths berlikasi Valley, just above the Iya River. The underside of the bridge made of wooden planks installed at a distance of about 13 inches. 45-meter high bridge allows people to through the Iya River. After crossing the bridge Vine footpaths, you can get Repovesi Nature Park.
3. Trift Bridge, Switzerland
Has a length of 180 meters and has a height that reaches 110 meters, the bridge Trift is not a bridge that can be passed by your fear of heights. Pegunugan Trift Bridge is in the Alps, Switzerland. The bridge was built in 2004 with the aim of achieving Trift hut in the Alps.Although dangerous, Trift bridge presents a view that can make you amazed. Trift Bridge is made through a lake called Lake Triftsee. Every year, at this location can be filled with as many as 20,000 visitors. The visitors come to enjoy the view of the glacier Trift.
2. Qeswachaka Bridge, Peru
For those of you crazy adventure and love doing exciting, Peru is a destination that you must visit destination. Located right above the River Apurimac, Peru, Qeswachaka is a bridge into a tourist destination. In fact there is a tour that provides services to guide you through this bridge.The bridge is made of grass stretches the length of which reaches 36 meters. Because instead of using solid materials such as iron, this bridge must be renewed every 1 or 2 years. Each repaired, the local residents will hold a celebration to celebrate.
1. Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan
Located in a mountainous area in the north of Pakistan, is a bridge named Hussaini the most dangerous bridge in the world. Hussaini bridge has been instrumental in helping the tourists to cross the lake Borit. The bridge is made with what it is like cables and wooden planks. The wind can directly make the bridge sway.
The distance in each footing on the bridge Hussaini all different. There are close and there is a very long way. Dangerous bridge is really in need of repair because some parts have been damaged. If there is bad weather and the Hunza River overflowed, across the bridge is tantamount to risk his life.